Metadata API Reference: Tables/Views (v2.0 and above)


Track/untrack a table/view in Hasura GraphQL engine.

Only tracked tables/views are available for querying/mutating/subscribing data over the GraphQL API.

Supported from

The metadata API is supported for versions v2.0.0 and above and replaces the older schema/metadata API.


pg_track_table is used to add a table/view to the GraphQL schema with configuration. You can customise the root field names.

Add a table/view author:

POST /v1/metadata HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin

   "type": "pg_track_table",
   "args": {
     "table": "author",
     "source": "default",
     "configuration": {
        "custom_root_fields": {
           "select": "Authors",
           "select_by_pk": "Author",
           "select_aggregate": "AuthorAggregate",
           "insert": "AddAuthors",
           "update": "UpdateAuthors",
           "update_by_pk": "UpdateAuthor",
           "delete": "DeleteAuthors",
           "delete_by_pk": "DeleteAuthor"
        "custom_column_names": {
           "id": "authorId"

A table can be tracked with a custom name. This can be useful when a table name is not GraphQL compliant, like Users Address. A custom name like users_address will complement the "Users Address" table, so that it can be added to the GraphQL schema.

POST /v1/metadata HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin

   "type": "pg_track_table",
   "args": {
     "table": "Author Details",
     "configuration": {
        "custom_name": "author_details"

The GraphQL nodes and typenames that are generated will be according to the identifier. For example, in this case, the nodes generated will be:

  • users_address
  • users_address_one
  • users_address_aggregate
  • insert_users_address
  • insert_users_address_one
  • update_users_address
  • update_users_address_by_pk
  • delete_users_address
  • delete_users_address_by_pk


Hasura GraphQL engine requires the constraint names (if any) of a table to be GraphQL compliant in order to be able to track it.

Args syntax

Key Required Schema Description
table true TableName Name of the table
configuration false Table Config Configuration for the table/view
source false SourceName Name of the source database of the table (default: default)


untrack_table is used to remove a table/view from the GraphQL schema.

Remove a table/view author:

POST /v1/metadata HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin

    "type": "pg_untrack_table",
    "args": {
        "table": {
            "schema": "public",
            "name": "author"
        "source": "default",
        "cascade": true

Args syntax

Key Required Schema Description
table true TableName Name of the table
cascade false Boolean When set to true, the effect (if possible) is cascaded to any metadata dependent objects (relationships, permissions, templates)
source false SourceName Name of the source database of the table (default: default)


pg_set_table_is_enum sets whether an already-tracked table should be used as an enum table.

Use table user_role as an enum table:

POST /v1/metadata HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin

  "type": "pg_set_table_is_enum",
  "args": {
    "table": {
      "schema": "public",
      "name": "user_role"
    "source": "default",
    "is_enum": true

Args syntax

Key Required Schema Description
table true TableName Name of the table
is_enum true Boolean Whether or not the table should be used as an enum table.
source false SourceName Name of the source database of the table (default: default)


pg_set_table_customization allows you to customize any given table with a custom name, custom root fields and custom column names of an already tracked table. This will replace the already present customization.

pg_set_table_custom_fields has been deprecated in favour of this API.

Set the configuration for a table/view called author:

POST /v1/metadata HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin

   "type": "pg_set_table_customization",
   "args": {
     "table": "author_details",
     "source": "default",
     "configuration": {
       "identifier": "author",
       "custom_root_fields": {
          "select": "Authors",
          "select_by_pk": "Author",
          "select_aggregate": "AuthorAggregate",
          "insert": "AddAuthors",
          "update": "UpdateAuthors",
          "update_by_pk": "UpdateAuthor",
          "delete": "DeleteAuthors",
          "delete_by_pk": "DeleteAuthor"
       "custom_column_names": {
          "id": "authorId"

Args syntax

Key Required Schema Description
table true TableName Name of the table
configuration false TableConfig Configuration for the table/view
source false SourceName Name of the source database of the table (default: default)


mssql_track_table is used to add a table/view to the GraphQL schema with configuration. You can customise the root field names.

Add a table/view author:

POST /v1/metadata HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin

    "type": "mssql_track_table",
    "args": {
      "table": "author",
      "source": "default"


Hasura GraphQL engine requires the constraint names (if any) of a table to be GraphQL compliant in order to be able to track it.

Args syntax

Key Required Schema Description
table true TableName Name of the table
configuration false Table Config Configuration for the table/view
source false SourceName Name of the source database of the table (default: default)


untrack_table is used to remove a table/view from the GraphQL schema.

Remove a table/view author:

POST /v1/metadata HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin

    "type": "mssql_untrack_table",
    "args": {
        "table": {
            "schema": "dbo",
            "name": "author"
        "source": "default",
        "cascade": true

Args syntax

Key Required Schema Description
table true TableName Name of the table
cascade false Boolean When set to true, the effect (if possible) is cascaded to any metadata dependent objects (relationships, permissions, templates)
source false SourceName Name of the source database of the table (default: default)


mssql_set_table_customization allows you to customize any given table with a custom name, custom root fields and custom column names of an already tracked table. This will replace the already present customization.

mssql_set_table_custom_fields has been deprecated in favour of this API.

Set the configuration for a table/view called author:

POST /v1/metadata HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Hasura-Role: admin

  "type": "mssql_set_table_customization",
  "args": {
    "table": "author_details",
    "source": "default",
    "configuration": {
      "identifier": "author",
      "custom_root_fields": {
          "select": "Authors",
          "select_aggregate": "AuthorAggregate",
      "custom_column_names": {
          "id": "authorId"

Args syntax

Key Required Schema Description
table true TableName Name of the table
configuration false TableConfig Configuration for the table/view
source false SourceName Name of the source database of the table (default: default)